Sunday 6 October 2013

Introduction on blog

Hi everyone! This my blog for facial products for well, The Singaporean Girl. I hope this caters to both adolescents and adults as well, as the facial products that I will be experimenting are said to cater to both age groups. 

Singapore basically has to types of seasons for a country with a tropical climate. They are the HOT and windy season and the WET and windy season. Due to our tropical climate, it is humid all year round. Of course, there may be some other surprising weather conditions such as hail that took place a few weeks ago, the haze period in June and well, the floods in December. Usually, it is hotter in February but this year, possibly due to global warming and maybe even cloud-seeding, this late September and October now are the hot season. Therefore, I was inspired to make a blog to give my input on some of the common facial products that can be found in Singapore.

Although, I have been talking about helping Singaporeans and all that, some of the products that will be featured can also be found in other countries such as Etude products and Hada Labo (did i spell it correctly?) so my inputs may also be applied to people from other countries (I'm Singaporean).

Some might say that different facial products have a different effect on each person. Well, just to let you know, I have combination skin, which is the majority of skin types in the world. I am also, in fact, a teen, so i am more prone to acne and all that sort of thing than adults. So yeah, I think I am quite a reliable source. Also, feel free to comment for any questions pertaining the posts or whatever!

Well, enough intro and now, FOR THE FACIAL PRODUCTS!

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