Friday 18 October 2013

Natural Aqua Gel from Cure

Hello peeps! After exams, life is better but really slow... So anyways, I am going to review a new product called Natural Aqua Gel from Cure  which is a Japanese brand. It claims, it is a deep exfoliating gel which removes most of the dead skin cells.
I like that the gel comes out through a pump, so it is less of a hassle to try to get the gel out. The gel... STINKS. Not that is does not work, but I mean it really kinda smells a lot. It is a mainly clear gel with a slight tint of some colour and is quite dense. Thus, although the instructions say pump 3 times, I find 2 enough for me.

It really works! When the gel is applied and smoothened onto the hand, white precipitate will start to show which means - DEAD skin! I apparently have more than I thought :( so this product is very useful in exfoliating the skin! I have another post about Hada Labo's exfoliating face wash which does not exfoliate well, so this Natural Aqua Gel goes with it really well. I must warn you that although it feels good to have clean skin after using it, this should only be used twice a week and not anymore than that as too much exfoliating can increase the skin's risk of absorbing too much UVA/UVB rays.

I just love this exfoliator! It works very well and makes my skin very smooth to the touch. It is quite costly though at S$49.00 at Watsons so it really pinches the pocket. However, this product can last quite long in my opinion since it should be used only twice a week. Thus, it is quite a catch for a product.

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